White,Pink and Red Wedding Cupcakes - Ayu

Repeat order from Ayu who had ordered before ,for her engagement..this time Ayu ordered cake,cupcakes and door gift cupcakes for her wedding..Thanks Ayu...

Size : M
Cups : Souffle Cups
Quantity : 16pcs
Deco : Fondant
Theme : White,Pink and Red


Siti Rahayu Mat Som said...

Kak Zu,

Thanks again...family belah husband saya suka sangat kek ni...sedap dan cantik...

Next time confirm nak order dari kak Zu lagi...lepas ni utk baby shower pulak kot :P


Ayu..timasih to u too..glad that yur in laws love the cake..alhamdulillah..

ok,nanti kalau dah ada,calling2 eh..kak zu nak watkan brownies tuk Ayu..kalau Ayu convenience to come and collect,bgtau ye..nanti baru kak zu bake kan..special tuk regular customer mcm Ayu and Aiman..hehe


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