Ordered by Mirazia for her beloved daughter,Zulaikha..2 boxes of 36pcs cupcakes with Islamic theme.Dont know what to draw,I asked for Mirazia's opinion..she suggested few items including the jawi handwriting.With my limited skill..alhamdulillah I completed this tasks..at last..hehe..To Mira..thanks for the order and thanks too,bagi semangat pada ayah kak zu waktu Mira datang ambil cuppies tu..(she happened to be my sister's good friend in school)..

salam Zu, cantik pompuan pakai tudung cupcakes tu..
wasalam zue..hehe..main lukis jer tu..dengan skill yg serba kekurangan ni...
been a while since we had the cake tapi masih teringat2 kesedapannya... I still remember how happy zulaikha was on that day to share these cuppies with her friends at schools. Thanks Kak Zu!!
Ya...Allah..maaf la lambat reply..takder notification tuk comment ni..so,main intai2 jer..sekali nampak komen bulan Oct..huhu..Mira,thanks to u too for the order..and thanks juga sudi visit my father kat sini..alhamdulillah,glad to hear that Zulaikha enjoyed her cuppies..timasih atas segala-galanya..nice dealing with someone like u..senang..bagi theme..and bagi trust to me for the design..thank u dear..
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