Happy Birthday to my beloved boys,Aniq Danial and Amir Danial.Aniq's birthday was on 16April while Amir's was on 23rd May..So,I bake 1 brownies and decorated it with picture of both of them..My 2 knights in shining armour,2 apples of my eyes are now 7 and 2..how time flies..and I love both of them more and more each seconds,each minutes,every day,every year,every moment ..on and on till my last breath..Semoga menjadi anak yg soleh,yg bijak,yg sihat,yg menghormati orang tua,yg sayangkan kedua ibu bapa,yg berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat..doa Mama buat kedua orang yg paling Mama sayang..

Amir..posing with the brownies..he had his 1st train ride right after(naik LRT je..)..while Aniq tengah sibuk bersiap..so,no pics of him..hehe..

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