ordered by Nor for her boyfriend,Kamarul..who is my brother in law..ni kiraNor ni bakal adik ipar la...insyaallah..16pcs 'L' size vanilla cupcakes with the theme-Panda and Love..therefor,there's a lot pandas and a lot of love here...wishing Kamarul..many happy returns and cepat-cepatkan lah...jgn tunggu lama-lama...hehe..jgn mare.to Nor..thanks for the order..

Thank you kak zu.. ^_^
yur welcome.hope that u both did have a great time celebrating yur birthday...
zu, cantiknyer ur cupcakes... unik la...
=) thanks kak zue...
comel sgt panda ni..
you are welcome Nor..lain kali order lagi ek..
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