this order came from Wan of Shah Alam.she wanted a birthday cake with design of Patrick from Sponge Bob's for her daughter 1st birthday.i hope that Wan is happy with the design and the cake. wishing Umaira Happy Birthday...semoga jadik anak yg baik dan solehah...(lahir bulan May,sama ngan anak auntie...Amir Danial)..

Wan also ordered 16pc 'L' size choc cupcakes for hantaran.the sample design that Wan e-mail to me was inspired by Che Pah from ye Che Pah..customer mintak design yg macam Che Pah..tapi of course yg Che Pah punye sangatlah 'the bomb'..especially part Victorian roses tu..memang saya tak termampu nak buat..agaknya kena gi kelas Che Pah dulu kot..and to Wan,timakasih sudi order dari saya..harap2 Wan berpuas hati lah dengan hasil kerja saya yg tak setandingnya dengan orang2 yg dah pro macam Che Pah kita ni..

For those individuals who wanted a meaningful and memorable birthday celebration, avail the birthday cakes Perth due to the very delicious taste and various creative design that been offered.
I love the cake with red rose design so pretty and cute.
Nice designs! They are unique. I like the second one.
I like the design perfect for my daughter's birthday! :)
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