Attended another class with my sifoo,Kak Daalia.this time it is fondant cake decorating class.she suggested that i use purple colour for the roses and i think that the result turns up awesome..just look at the pics here..don't u think so??hehe..masuk bakul la pulak..eventhough it is very tedious to complete decorating just 1 small cake like this which took us the whole day(from morning till 7pm),i am very very satisfied with the finished product..i did everything from scratch with my bare hands and Kak Daalia guided us throughout the class.Thank you so much Kak Lea for your guidance and ilmu yang diajarkan(siap bagi extra tips lagi pasal buttercream deco which is not in the module) sifoo yang tak pernah lokek ilmu..insyaallah ilmu yang diajarkan akan dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya...looking forward to attending another cake deco class with Kak Lea...

cantik lah kak.....
beautiful purple fondant rose...cayalah...
hi eija..timasih singgah blog akak..kalau 1 hari nanti,eija nak kawin ke???tunang ke??? jgn lupa call akak tau..
timasih zue..yur 3 yellow roses tu pun cantik gak..gebu-gebu...
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