ordered by my friend Zuraida,for her daughter's 13th birthday on 13 of May..Iylia Syaurah dah besar dah..kejap je kan..ok,Zuraida said that Iylia loves music,handphones and is expecting a new laptop as her birthday gift(by now dah dapat dah ek...)..so,i tried my best to shape the fondant to suit her interest and her mum's request...hope that Iylia really loves what i've made for her..'Happy Birthday' ye sayang..belajar rajin2..jadi anak yg baik..jgn lupa jasa mummy yg susah payah sorang diri besarkan Iylia and provide the best of everything for you..and to Zuraida,mekasih for trusting me in creating something wonderful for Iylia..sorry for the late descriptions for this entry..besides being very busy,internet connection pulak has been really cruel on me..lembap tak hingatnye..

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