Dear All,
Let me introduce to u,Chomel Cupcakes newest member,Ariz Danial bin Mohd Adli.Born on 6th August...Alhamdulillah,I am blessed with another baby boy in the family..
Since now that I'll be in confinement,all cupcakes and cakes(except for brownies) order will have to stop for the time being,insyaallah until end of Sept or at least until further notice.Will keep u all posted.I will only take brownies orders for now..those interested,u may sms or call me..but if I didnt answer yur call,pls expect that maybe at that time that my hands are tight taking care of the has been 4 years since Amir was born...and I feel like I have to start everything all over again.The hardest to deal so far is sleep deprivation..huhu..ngantuk beb....hehe..
Apa apa pun,Alhamdulillah Ariz Danial was born safely without any complications through emergency C-sec on that Monday morning..
Thank u to all of u for yur support and Doa..

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