Ordered by Sue Helmy,my FbB friend and also baker tersohor around Sri Kembangan area (mamabakers).Thanks Sue.
Half Recipe Choc Cheese Brownies.
Sue's comment in FB,"Statment u kat atas tu buat kte tergelak jer pepagi ni...btw u punyer choc cheese brownies...mmg mabelesss n superb!! :-D Next tyme nk repeat order lg lah...n oso ur
RV sgt sedappp..TQVM."

Repeat order by Zana..she tried out choc cheese brownies the other day and found herself and her family falling so much in love with the brownies,craving for more,she ordered this when I called her to come over and collect the sample of red velvet cake that I wanted her to taste..Thanks Zana
Half Recipe Blueberry Cheese Brownies

The other half of the blueberry cheese brownies was grab my old friend in college, when I advertise the brownies as 'fast sale item' in my FB..thanks to Azzreene and Jaizal..
Half Recipe Blueberry Cheese Brownies

Last minute order order by my neighbour who is also a baker..(Cla's Cuppies).Thanks Cla...hehe
1 Recipe Choc Cheese Brownies

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