Price and Menu
Flavour for cupcakes
- Moist Choc Cupcakes
- Vanilla Butter Cupcakes
- Red Velvet Cupcakes(with swirl cream cheese deco only)
- Buttercream
- Choc Ganache
- Fondant
Cupcakes Sizes and Prices
'S' size in souffle cups (5cm diameter/2.7cm height)
- 25pcs for RM50
- 36pcs for RM72
- 49pcs for RM98
- 16pcs for RM50
- 25pcs for RM70
- 36pcs for RM100
(Prices are for simple buttercream deco only)
Add prices for fondant/sugar paste/piping jelly and drawings
Add RM10 to RM15 for ganache topping (half set or 1 set of cupcakes)
Add RM1.25 for each piece edible iimage size S
Add RM1.50 for each piece edible image size M
Add RM1.25 for each piece edible iimage size S
Add RM1.50 for each piece edible image size M
Add 30cents for individual dome shape container
Wedding/Engagement/Hantaran Cupcakes
16pcs 'M' size + Window White Box
- Buttercream Deco - starting from RM55
- Fondant Deco - starting from RM110
Transparents square box - add RM10
2D & 3D fondant cupcakes
16pcs 'M' size - starting from RM150 (depends on design)
Flavour and prices for cakes
- moist choc cake - RM55 per kg
- vanilla butter cake - RM55 per kg
- Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting - RM67 per kg
Add RM20 for edible image
Wedding/Engagement/Hantaran Cake
- Buttercream Deco
9" cake - RM150
- Fondant Deco
1 tier - 9" starting from RM250
2 tiers - starting from RM400
- Buttercream Deco - RM150
- Fondant Deco - RM200
BROWNIES (size 8"x12")
- Plain Choc Brownies -RM55
- Blueberry Cheese Brownies - RM65
- Chocolate Cheese Brownies - RM65
Add RM15 for full choc ganache
Add RM2 for buttercream wordings
Add RM5 for simple buttercream deco
Add RM20 for A4 size edible image

saya nk order cupcakes..blh htr guna courier?
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