Class on 31st July,attended by Heeda,Fazillah,Ayu Syafiqa and Noor Idayu..Last class held before the beginning of Ramadhan..and Insyaallah ,the next class will only be 2 weeks after Hari Raya..Everyone were so excited to attend the class as all of them wish to bake their own cupcakes for the coming Hari Raya..Timakasih pada semua yg sudi join this class..

Heeda and Fazillah in action..


Noor Idayu yg comel..hehe


Ni pun Ayu jugak..,Ayu Syafiza..this Ayu and the other Ayu are friends..They car pool to my house as the other Ayu is staying in Port Dickson..Ayu Syafiza ni orang Putrajaya jer...dekat jer ye..


Fazillah,a friend of ex-student.Thanks to Jasmin for introducing Fazillah to Chomel Cupcakes..


2 babies sleeping..1 with pacifier to sooth her..and the other 1 having a sweet little dreams that makes her smile..hehe

Heeda..yg dah ter missed 3 classes before due to some urgent matters and incidents..finally dapat datang for the class..and she is so happy that she finally made it for the class..

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