Class 27th June,attended by Kak Aini.... all the way from Penang,Fara..tauke cheese brownies,carrot walnut cake..yummy..yummy..check out her blog..Moxchu's Freshly Bake,Norul Shuhaida from Klang and Ina from Shah Alam..Kelas yg bessstt..sporting semua..Alhamdulillah,everything turn up well eventhough I was a bit exhausted after completed my large order 1 day before that....But I always said in my previous entry...'hope that u all enjoy the class as much as I do...'Thanks to all of u for joining the class..

Kak Aini's..

Kak Aini in action..bergaya dengan cupcakes nye...

Fara's young yet a very talented baker..


Norul..excited sampai tertinggal her driving license kat guard house....


Ina..diam-diam ubi berisi...dalam diam,Ina gain as much knowledge and skills as she could..

hehehehh..k.zue, nti nor g amik ek drving license kat umah k.zue...
ok Nor..
hi k.zu...thanks link kan fara punya blog hehehe..mana ada tauke..baru nak bertatih2 je lagi hehe..xleh lawan tauke chomel cupcakes...ada class brownies nanti jangan lupa eh my name in the list k hehehe...
ok Fara..
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