Alhamdulillah once again,this class on 15Jan went on smoothly tanpa apa2 hic-cups..I had 4 participants,most are from Klang Valley and Zuha from Trengganu..Thank you to all of you sudi join this class with me..hope that what we've shared will benefit us in so many ways in future..
Hazlin was busy arranging her cuppies into the box..till I forgot to snap a picture of her with her cuppies..
Hazlin's..neat and tidy..
Marini,a culinary art student of KLMU..she decorated the cuppies perfectly and very creative with her design..Chef in the making la katakan..
These are Marini's..just perfect..
Zuha..came with her4 years old daughter..Zuha got distracted on and off by her,ada yg Zuha dapat pick-up..ada gak yg tertinggal..hehe..sorry..
Rina..who is already a great baker and cake decorator as she was a student of a great cupcakes artist,Kak June...yet Rina wanted to join my class..and tak sampai hati nak cakap 'tak boleh'..hehe..Anyway Rina,thanks.. sudi join my class..
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