50pcs fancy cookies for wedding ordered by Ita from Shah Alam.she wanted 2 designs,heart shape and flower..Thank u ita for the order..Glad to hear that they like the cookies..
Ordered by Suzira from Shah Alam.25pcs 'M' size choc cupcakes with 'Golf' theme for someone special..Thank you so much Suzira and hope that you both had a great time celebrating his birthday..
50pcs of 'M' size choc cupcakes in souffle cups decorated with mixed cartoons edible image and buttercream,ordered by Ellma from Kepong for her daughter's majlis cukur jambul.Thanks Ellma for the order.Hope that your guests like and enjoy the cuppies..
Ordered by a loving husband to his beloved wife.Amir from USJ 3 ordered16pcs choc cuppies decorated with edible image of his childre's photos ..Thank u so much to Amir for the order..hope that your wife and children like the cuppies..
Another order from Zuraidah.1.5kg moist choc cake size 9" for her son Haris who just turned 1 today..Hope that Haris loves his Bob The Builder cake..and to Zuraidah,thank you very much for both orders..
Testimony:-Zu,thanks a lot ya.Cake sedap,licin.Cookies pun cantik.I dah recommend u kat other friends - Zuraidah
Ordered by Zuraidah for Haris's 1st birthday celebration..40pcs of fancy cookies with Haris's cute photo on it..Thank you so much Zuraidah for the order..
Repeat order by Wan Zuhaida from Shah Alam..a blueberry cheese brownies for makan2 with her family on her birthday..Thanks Wan..and Happy Birthday too..semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki selalu..
Testimony:- Hmmm..mmg sedap la brownies nie. Len kali leh order lagi!
Decorated choc cheese brownies,ordered by Azrol for his beloved wife,Ana.Ana is my regular customer and has been ordering many many cakes and brownies from me..and now,its her husband's turn to order a surprise birthday 'cake' for her..so sweet of him..'Happy Birthday Ana'..and to Azrol..thank u for the order..
Ordered by Malina for a re-union with friends from UNITEN..25pcs choc cupcakes with Urawa Red Diamonds theme and 18 individual names on jersey..Thank u so much Malina for the order..hope u all had a great re-union party..