Ordered by Datin Rozita for her beloved husband.
The theme for the surprise birthday party is "ROCK" theme..besides guitars and few other things symbolizing rock theme,as u could see on the left and on the right of the cake is what was suppose to be a Lamborghini Car and a Ducati Motorbike..haha..my version of lamborghini and Ducati okay....hehe..at least I did try my best..hehe..All the perfect looking guitars were done by my husband..credit goes to him for taking so much time preparing them...
Bottom tier cake is Red Velvet Cake while the top tier cake is Vanilla Butter Cake.
Alhamdulillah,Datin was happy to see the cake..orrrr rather surprise to see the motorbike..hahaha..but I must admit,she's a nice and very humble lady..happy that I get to meet her this time around when we did not during her 1st cake order for her son..
Not forgetting,many thanks to Mira for introducing Chomel Cupcakes to Datin Rozita..
The Fondant Guitars
Fondant Car and Motorcycle