This is actually a pending entry from the last hari raya order..should have upload it long time ago,but I have been busy with all sorts of activity ever since my bibik left us..I got up extra early today(at 2am..huhu)..and manage to update my FB,my blog,reply emails,clean the house..dont know how many more hours I can last(time check- 06:25am)..but by now,I'm already struggling hard to keep my eyes open though I've had 3 cups of expresso....hehe..will keep on going for at least another 2 of luck to u Zu...

Made the brownies from the finest Australian butter and cream cheese,Tatura brand..this time,for the large number of orders,I bought in carton and it has taken a big space in my fridge..

My new oven in action..not a famous brand though..but can fit in 3 brownies tray at 1 bake.

my little boy getting himself busy and messy with the cocoa powder..

Freshly baked brownies..

Ready for collection