Shikin add 6pcs of baby shower cuppies to her cookies order coz she said she was too 'geram' looking at the cuppies i made for Suet Hui the other day..
Baby Shower fancy cookies,ordered by Shikin from Pinggiran USJ .to be celebrated with family and friends in Kelantan..Thank u so much Shikin..comel sangat baby Aleesya u ni..and best of luck bila dah menetap di Saudi nanti..take care ya..
Ordered all the way from Japan.Eju repeat order with me,but this time,due to the last minute request from her,I only manage to make 6pcs cuppies for her bf in USJ 2..Hope both Nipah and Eju like the design..Thanks Eju..
Ordered by Sakinah for her bf on his birthday..25pcs'S' size vanilla cuppies with Arsenal theme and a special love message written on fondant piece 'zukni,I love u' a romantic way to express yur love..Thanks Sakinah...nanti kenduri jgn lupa jemput akak,kita ramai2 pi Sungai Petani no..
Another order from Kak Shitah.untuk kali yg ke berapa,i'm not sure anymore..dah banyak kali she ordered from me..especially this bluberry cheese of her favourite..thank you Kak Shitah..selamat hari raya..kirim salam ngan family ye..
My regular customer,Ana,ordered the choc cheese brownies to be enjoyed with family in Penang on Hari Raya Haji..thank u Ana..hope Ana had a great hari raya with family..
Ordered by Isyqi from Kajang.25pcs 'S' size cupcakes with MU theme for her bf on his birthday.Thank u so much Isyqi..happy to hear that u both like the cuppies.
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